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LE CONCILE MONDIAL DE CONGRES DIPLOMATIQUES DES AUMONIERS POUR LA PAIX UNIVERSELLE DES DROITS HUMAINS ET JURIDIQUES (CMOCDAPUNDHJ) or World Council Congres Diplomatic Chaplains for Peace, Universal Human Rights and Justice  was created in 1998. Declared and recognized on APRIL 6, 2014, No. W751224060 in France, FOUNDED BY REV ARCHBISHOP EMMANUEL ST LOUIS.

Registered office: 25, rue Campo Formio, 75013 Paris.

Declaration date: April 6, 2014.


Purpose: to promote all the rights and freedoms enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights especially the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights; promote reconciliation and universal peace through dialogue with European fundamental codes and all nations and international; research, and legal protection and defense of human rights and refugee rights; it operates in the following areas, information, education, training, conference, arts and culture, environment, development and technology, health, sports, humanitarian, social and economic development, ecology.


Embody a global movement of human rights:


Human rights are the foundation of a society guaranteeing equality, freedom and dignity of every human being. The CMOCDAPUNDHJ, for its legitimacy, its experience, its methods and its credibility, has a unique role to play in contributing to their achievement. Since 2010, CMOCDAPUNDHJ implements the priority areas it has declined in priorities for action:


1. freedom and the ability to act defenders


2. the universality of rights, especially for women, the unequal treatment is a major obstacle to the progress of humanity


3. Promote and protect the rights of migrants


4. the effectiveness of human rights to the impunity of the perpetrators or the irresponsibility of their violation, whether individuals, states or businesses, can not continue


5. Enhancing respect for human rights in the context of economic globalization


6. respect for human rights and the rule of law in conflict, emergencies or political transition


The CMOCDAPUNDHJ respond urgently to requests from its member organizations in armed conflicts, violent political crisis and closed countries, conducting field surveys and mobilizing the international community.


In order to conduct these complex and achieve concrete results yards, the CMOCDAPUNDHJ has also set internal goals:

- Enhance interaction and proximity with its member and partner organizations, notably with the opening of new offices decentralized in almost all regions

- Continuing professionalization movement

- Strengthen its ability to mobilize public and political

- Ensure the sustainability and increasing its financial resources, prerequisites for achieving its ambitions. The CMOCDAPUNDHJ acts in a complex and changing international context. To meet these challenges, it must be clear and modest about his abilities, but also to define its priorities and continuously assess its actions. The quest for universality and effectiveness of the rights is the thread that should allow the CMOCDAPUNDHJ embody a universal movement for the defense of human rights.


A mandate, protection of all human rights:

The CMOCDAPUNDHJ is an international NGO that defends the rights, civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights, as enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. It acts within the legal and political field to strengthen international instruments for the protection of human rights and ensure their implementation.


Ethics, independence and objectivity:

Recognized in France at number , No. W751224060, April 6th, 2014, where it is headquartered, the CMOCDAPUNDHJ is a non-partisan, non-sectarian, non-political and non-profit. Independence and objectivity are the guarantee of its credibility.


An organization serving its associations:

Federalist Movement, the CMOCDAPUNDHJ is by and for its national member organizations and partners. This principle governs its mode of governance decision, action and operation. It gives it a strong representativeness and legitimacy through its continuing proximity to local civil societies, CMOCDAPUNDHJ can measure quickly locally barriers to Defenders and activate all the levers to mobilize them to support.


Proven expertise:

The CMOCDAPUNDHJ uses a wide range of policy instruments that have proven: public reactions urgent or confidential; international missions of investigation, trial observation and defense; policy dialogue, advocacy, litigation and advocacy. It is based on a voluntary international mission representatives network and promotes the exchange of experience between defenders around the world to enhance the sharing of skills. It continuously evaluates its operations to improve efficiency and adapt its short, medium or long term.


Three levels of action:

- For CMOCDAPUNDHJ, the transformation of societies is primarily the responsibility of local actors. Its activities aim to strengthen their capacity for action and influence.

- It is the regional, national and international levels in support of its member and partner organizations to address situations of violations of human rights and consolidate the process of democratization. Its action is for states and other holders of power, as armed opposition groups and multinational companies.

- The main beneficiaries are the national organizations defending human rights CMOCDAPUNDHJ members and, through them, the victims of human rights violations. The CMOCDAPUNDHJ also expanded its reach to local partner organizations and develop alliances with other actors for change.


The organization and operation of the CMOCDAPUNDHJ reflect its governance principles:

at the base, the 40 member organizations.


The Congress


• It groups 40 member organizations under CMOCDAPUNDHJ.

• It meets every three years.

• It discusses the thematic and geographic priorities and defines its strategic direction.


The International Bureau


• There are 15 volunteer members from member organizations CMOCDAPUNDHJ and elected by the Congress President, Treasurer, five vice presidents and five secretaries general.

• It leads by strategic directions according to the objectives set by Congress and approve the annual accounts of the CMOCDAPUNDHJ.

• It meets three times a year and report to the Congress.


The Executive Board


• It is composed of the president, treasurer, secretary generals of 5 and 5 Deputy Secretaries.

• It manages the daily records and prepares the organization of international offices.

• It meets once a month and report to the International Bureau.


The International Secretariat


• Based in Paris, it is composed of a professional team, headed by an Executive Director who serves in an advisory capacity to the International Bureau and the Executive Bureau. His teams are organized by region, priorities for action and permanent delegations. It also has a communication and development department, as well as administrative and financial support services.

• In constant contact with the ground, it implements the decisions of the political organs of the CMOCDAPUNDHJ in connection with the member organizations, the project leaders and members of the International and Executive Offices.

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